Sunday, July 8, 2007

Question of the Day

A person with deep pockets says he will stake you a % of a buyin for a 5500 + 100 HUSNG. You have to shove every hand though. You will keep all profits if you win. What is the highest % of the 5600 buyin that you would be willing to put up for this offer?

Without thinking too deep, I would probably put up 1700 max. That would leave me with 2k if I lost. I haven't thought that hard about it though.

Been running fairly bad and playing not so great. Moved down to 55s for a little bit to work on some stuff and have played much better in the last 20 games or so. Going to be at 110s really soon provided I don't run into trouble the next day or two. A little behind but still close to being on track for Platinum Star. It will happen. Updates soon.

Bankroll $3708.12

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