Thursday, July 26, 2007

Grinding Away

I keep having these boring days in the 110s. I'll play 10-15 games, sometimes a little more and I'm either down 200 or up 200, nothing more and nothing less. Kind of ugly variance it seems lately, my ROI at the 110s is 6.5% right now I believe (over 250ish games). I'm at least 10 buyins away from my goal for the month but I am on pace for platinum star.

Hopefully things can heat up soon, I'm really comfortable playing these and feel I'm playing pretty well overall. I've made some mistakes but I'm playing extremely solid overall and feel I should be enjoying a little bit more of an edge in these compared to what I am seeing in the competition.

A few "regular" players are still sitting with me once in awhile, namely plowking22 and scottybcash. This is annoying because these guys seem to just want to stick it in preflop throughout the whole match, especially scottybcash. I'm 2-1 vs plowking and 1-1 vs scottybcash, but it is so boring and dumb to play them when they sit 2nd with me. I tell them both each time, sit first or sharkscope who you're sitting with. Plowking seems to honestly forget or at least humors me, Scottybcash seems like an idiot.

In other news, Hokiegreg mentioned on his blog about a HU coaching site. I had an idea for a type of site that will cater mainly to lower level players, but will also offer some stuff for higher level players. I'm still in the organizing stage and will update when I've moved along a little further on this project. Dboy and Hokie are going to be helping me out with this. Omgwtfnoway will probably be helping as well and I have interest from several higher stakes HUSNG players. That's about all I will say for now, look for updates in the near future.

Bankroll still within 50 either way of 5k, not sure exactly right now.


jus said...

tks for the reply,to earlier question,i notice in your last post you mention a blog by a fellow called hokie ? any chance of a link or address 4 it? I already follow a couple of hu blogs bcm,s phe + ryans and yours, always intersted in reading more. gl at the tables jus

jus said...

ps. just finnished reading your blog from the beginning how is your girlfriend doing now,after her transplant hope she is well jus.

HokieGreg said...


Ry has a link to my blog on the top right of his main blog page.

Good luck.


Ryan said...

She's doing well. Thanks for asking.

No problems so far and she's ahead of the average as far as the amount of checkups and medicine she has to take, so it seems very good so far.