Saturday, April 5, 2008

Quick Update

Sorry for the lack of updates, I'll have a full update with a new question answered in the next few days.

Been playing 220s and the 110 4 mans w Hokie, that's about it for April so far. Off to a decent start.

March ended like +3500, I think I made like 4k in the last week or 2. I SHOULD have no trouble surpassing that in April, provided I keep playing well. I also should surpass that if I put in like 15 hrs a week (I finished just below that for March), as I'm in the 220s for good now.

I'm going golfing tomorrow, but other than that am busy as hell in the next week setting up my business for the spring-fall season and doing taxes for last year.

I'm also looking for a new place. The investment stuff with my buddy has kind of hit the skids as tax season rolls around, so who knows what's going on with that in the short term.

My brother decided he doesn't want to play football for his senior year. He would be the starting qb, so I'm kind of not happy about his decision but not nearly as upset as my dad and especially grandpa will be (maybe he'll tell them while we're golfing tomorrow?).

I'll probably make a post this month to wrap up personal stuff in the blog for good and only give personal updates for major events in my life and/or little tid bits of something I'm doing that might interest some readers. I'll start to attempt to post MORE STRATEGY since people seem to enjoy poker stuff on a poker blog (orly?).

Until then, make money.

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