Thursday, April 24, 2008

Links Update

I updated my links list.

I prefer to have players that primarily play husngs on the list (as of now Andrew Ferguson is the only non husng-majority player on the list, though I met him in a 55 husng and he is the founder of PS money).

I've added some notable higher stakes husng players, people like Croixdawg, NoFear, PrimordialAA and MaxV2. Primo is really the only one updating his blog (though it's new), but hopefully some of these other guys will start doing it.

And maybe Bcm can open a new blog (cough cough).

May you suck out on many rivers until my next post.


bpmst2 said...

ry, i updated my links too. link me?

Ryan said...

Sorry, forgot to add you (knew I was missing someone).

Brendan said...

Blog is back