Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Stars Promotion For Husng Players

Hello Ryan,

I am pleased to be able to write to you with news regarding the HU S&G
portion of the 2X promotion.

For Weeks 3 & 4 of PokerStars 2X, we will be following your suggestion of
increasing the VPP awarded to 1.5x the normal amount. By doing this for 2
weeks, our HU S&G regulars will still get 2X the normal VPP they would
have earned for 2 weeks of non-bonus play.

Thanks very much for the suggestion! I hope that you enjoy the bonus for
heads-up players in weeks 3 & 4 of the PokerStars 2X promotion.

All the best,

Bryan S.
Tournaments Administrator
PokerStars Poker Room Management Team

Omgwtfnoway deserves credit for telling me "Man, I'd take 1.5 or even 1.25x vpps, ANYTHING."


RoccoPa said...

Well done Ry,we all appreciate your work!!!


LKJ said...

Good job man, for whatever part you had in swaying them this way it's certainly appreciated.

RJM25 said...

very nice. ty sir

bpmst2 said...

da man

Qi said...

Props ry, thanks.