Friday, June 15, 2007

Couple of things:

Apparently I went 5-10 last night at those 6s, not that it matters at all.

I read over the hands again, I'm going to leave them up because I think some of them are funny.

And another thing about playing while drunk, normally I can play perfectly fine when drunk and I have actually made a lot of money playing drunk (in relation to winrate, not actual "OMG I made 200 bucks drunk over 25 days"). Last night I understood I was trashed beyond my normal level of trashed, so I was smart and fucked around at the 6s. I think I actually ran pretty bad as well, but I was definitely messing around and having a good time.

Back to real poker, I'm going to try to get back in the swing of things today by playing a 2+2er. After a game or two I'm going to probably try to get up a buyin in the 110s before playing more 220s, only because I haven't played much in the last 3-4 days.

I'll update after some games.

Bankroll $3,753.88

Degen $800ish (I keep losing count on what to add and subtract out of total br to determine degen br b/c I keep giving out and receiving money, or playing 6s drunk as hell. This should be +/- ten bucks now tho).


HokieGreg said...

Hey man. Just wanted to say I'm glad your girl is doing well. Good luck at the tables.

Ryan said...

Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.