Sunday, May 4, 2008

Wanted: Rematch Button on Pokerstars

I think it would be a very good thing for everybody if Stars implemented a "rematch" button in their husngs, similar to what Full Tilt and Ultimate Bet have.

I've started a thread in the HU forum on 2+2. It is basically a semi-organized effort to make this happen.

I'd like to ask the readers of this blog to please fire off an email to Stars. For an email ALREADY WRITTEN for you and 3 email addresses to send it to, please check out this thread HERE .

If you have any questions about the rematch button and/or the effects of it, please drop me a message here or PM me on 2+2.

Thanks for your help.


bpmst2 said...

yea the rematch idea I've seen tossed around in threads on there, and it's definitely a great idea. I sent stars an email yesterday asking about their fpp store, so I'll be sure to send a few about the rematch button as well. Hopefully it'll happen soon.

endgamep said...

Wow! you talked with Dariominieri!
lol, whats next you gonna make a converstation with livb112 as well? That guy is sick, he has won almost 1 million on HU sngs the last year at FTP (probably more than 1 million included rakeback and bonus stuff).
I would like a rematch button, but it's gonna be tough to decline after a loss ;]

endgamep said...

congrats with 100% recovery from the downswing. I see that you recently have maid a new all time high profit in the 110 turbo now.

Ryan said...


Though my Sharkscope isn't 100% accurate, some of my downswings look worse than they really are and some of my upswings better than they really are.

Mostly due to playing 4 mans, buying-selling action and "flipping" for vpps at the end of a month so ppl can get plat-gold stars.

But you are right, I had a rough April (like +2k in 110s, -2k in 220s, give or take) and May has been good.

I haven't played too many games, but I'm running around 10-12% in the 110s, which should be high for me.

Anyway, thanks for the encouragement, take care.