Thursday, January 17, 2008


Such bs.

I'm still sick. Something similar to what my girlfriend had in the hospital.

I haven't played in like 7-10 days, I don't even know. I've had one cigarette in the last 6-7 days, and I can hardly swallow food without my throat practically closing in pain. Life sucks.

Hopefully I'll be as good as new within 2 days and a late month heater will follow.

I'm considering buying a bottle of Maker's and just having a night with it. I know it works with nasty colds, but for something like this it might do more harm than good. I'm running out of options though.


HokieGreg said...

I hope that you feel better.


wtfnoway said...

get well soon

endgamep said...

Man, I believe in going to the doctor for some antibiotics when youre throat hurts in more than a week.
Your cold might have developed to a Streptococcus infection, and it might not go away without antibiotics.