Saturday, September 29, 2007

Poo Bah

So my original article I wrote last week wasn't up to par. I think I tried to explain too much stuff in one article and my hand examples were way too read dependent. I've been working on a new article and am waiting a few players reviews of it before I post it. The article subject is an introduction to 25-50 blind play.

Thanks to Kalledrengen for his suggestions as well as a few other players. I will also be posting a 15 minute video I made a few weeks or a month ago.

Been playing well overall, working on improving some stuff with my game. I've been game selecting 200s and 220s and selling bits of action in some of them, mainly to Hokiegreg. The fish Bcm, Hokie and myself took for like 4k has been doing fpp satellites into the 10 dollar Sunday MTT, so it looks like he's busto for now.

Other than that, not too much to say as of now.

Bankroll $8800ish

Getting platinum tonight.

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