Friday, August 3, 2007

Rough Day

Started out 0-5. Won one then lost one. I don't know what it was today but it seemed like I was out thinking myself at times and just getting myself into terrible spots I think. I can usually be objective and know what I am doing wrong or if I'm just running bad or some combination, but today I have no idea. Going to have to review the hand histories, but I'm not really feeling like it now.

The meeting with the website guy went very well. The site should be up within 2 weeks. I did a rough draft of the text for the website today and a site map for him. Looking forward to this as it progresses. I hope all the players that expressed interest in making videos are actually going to come through. That is my biggest concern about this site, I have confidence that there will be plenty of customers for it and the coaches that are working with the members will do very well.

Bankroll at 5300-5400

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