Friday, May 4, 2007


I'm trying to adjust to some new contacts (haven't worn contacts in a few years) so I can't really play right now. Going to watch a few cardrunners HU videos and maybe comment on them when I am done. At the very least I will mention if I enjoyed them. First up is Aaron Beene's $50 2 tabling HUSNG video.

Experiencing a bit of variance today, lost a few 75-25/80-20s. Also ran into a maniac I've played before at the 33s. This time it was in my 2nd $55. He got me on a 60-40 all in, no big deal, but he coolered me in a few big pots throughout the match. I'm 2-2 in 55s today and 3-1 in 33s.

Bankroll $1,836.08

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