Saturday, April 28, 2007


So I need 273 more VPPs to reach SilverStar status by the end of this month, AKA by Monday night.

The 33 dollar turbos give me 8 VPPs per game played, so I need 34 more. I probably won't be able to play anymore today, I have to go eat with my girlfriend and her father then go watch my friend's band play. After that I will probably hang out with them at their afterparty, so I won't be back until I am way too tired and/or drunk to play. If I can get 2-3 more games in though, it would be great.

Other than that, I have tomorrow wide open to play, except for the Bulls sweep of the Heat at noon. If I can play 25 games tomorrow I'll be in great shape for Monday and easily obtain my goal.

And so far at the 33s I'm 10-4. So hopefully I can continue to at least be a little above breakeven over the next two days, and after that be robusto.

Bankroll $1,159.78


Drew said...

You can get that silver. Just dominate those tables.

wtfnoway said...


Mr. Condescending said...

Just going through your old blog, It's so funny to hear you all excited about getting a silver or gold star!