Saturday, October 13, 2007

Falling Behind

On VPPs. I'm probably not playing tonight, so I'm back about 700-800 vpps from my 500 a day goal throughout the month. My 6 max buddy was supposed to play this weekend but he's been offline for the last day or two (extremely surprising, our sn's are never offline).

I won a few hundred yesterday, played great and ran good overall, though I got sucked out multiple times in the games I lost. Went like 7-2 in 110s and 0-1 in 200 regulars.

I can't not sit in a 200 regular if I see a fish sitting, it's just too big of an edge to pass up in my opinion, but it does suck to lose those. It should even out and I'm more optimistic about my near future as far as results go. I think I've improved my game and am getting very comfortable with some overall strategy changes I made to my game a week or two ago. I've still ran like shit over the last 7-10 days, but that should change soon. My ROI in 110s and 220s is horrible right now, I'm hardly a winner in the 110s now I think (maybe like 2.5% roi now, so bad) but a little heater should bring that back up to around 5%. My goal for the 220s is going to be higher than my 110s, but I think I'm a much better player than when I started playing 110s. I also only had 250ish 33s and less than 75 55s under my belt when I moved up to 110s, now I have over 600 110s played, so I should be a solid winner in the 220s a lot sooner than when I started playing like a solid winner in the 110s.

Hokie and I might do a little challenge type thing in the 220s soon, more on that if we run decent in the next week.

BR is just above 7k.

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